Youth & Children Policy
Keeping our youth and children safe
1. Purpose
The church should be a place of safety for children, youth and older people because it is established by Jesus.
Jesus came to bring life that is full. He did so by serving people as he revealed the truth about God. Ultimately, he laid down his own life for the good of other people. The aim, according to Jesus, was for people (and that includes children and youth) to come to know Him, listen to Him, be united in Him and speak about him (John 10:1-18).
To that end, Leongatha Presbyterian Church will carefully teach and apply the Scriptures as best we can. We will do so with the abilities, personalities, and experience that God has gifted to us individually and as a church, as we continue to come to know God more fully ourselves and live as forgiven sinners dependent on the grace of God.
We commit to serving the children and youth of our church in ways that honour Jesus and are consistent with the ‘Safe Church Policy’, ‘Code of Conduct’ and Safe Church Policy, Procedure & Practice Manual, and any relevant Safe Church guidance of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria.
We realise that some aspects of this policy may seem overly complicated to both parents, children and leaders. But we are willing to do these things so that children might flourish in faith safely, as well as being able to demonstrate that our ministry is safe.
This policy outlines how Leongatha Presbyterian Church will apply the Presbyterian Church of Victoria’s ‘Safe Church’ policy and procedures at Leongatha Presbyterian Church.
2. Responsibility
2.1 Leongatha Presbyterian Church is responsible for children who have been signed into a specific activity.
2.2Parents/guardians are responsible for all aspects of supervising their own children at church events unless the children have been signed in to a specific activity.
3. Risk Assessment
3.1 The PCV ‘Safe Church’ program is the overarching risk prevention and management strategy for reducing and removing risks of child abuse. This policy is one of the outcomes of that risk prevention and management strategy.
3.2A child safety risk assessment is to be carried out for each ministry activity before commencement and reviewed annually. Risk mitigation tasks will be communicated to leaders.
4. Behaviour
4.1 Leaders will seek to provide programs that draw children together and include everyone. Leaders aim to create a culture where everyone is safe. Leaders will seek to reinforce positive behaviours and respond immediately, consistently and appropriately to unkind or unsafe behaviours.
4.2 Children are encouraged to follow Jesus’ instruction to ‘love God & love neighbour’ (Matthew 22:37-40) and to grow in the fruit of the Spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22-24) in their interactions with each other.
4.3 Bullying is not acceptable. Bullying is defined in the Code of Conduct and also means repeated verbal, physical, social or psychological behaviour that is harmful towards a group or an individual.
4.4 No weapons or replica weapons are to be brought to the program.
4.5 No cigarettes, vapes, drugs or alcohol are to be brought to, or used, at the program.
4.6 No pornographic images are to be brought to, or accessed, at the program.
4.7 Expressions of romantic love should be paused for the program. This means that couples will need to share their time with others and not hold hands, hug, kiss and make other romantic expressions during the program.
4.8 Photos and videos should not be taken during the program, unless expressly permitted by leaders.
4.9 Mobile phones are not to be used unless explicitly permitted by leaders. Mobile phones should be put away or checked in at sign-in.
4.10 Leaders will seek to stop any unacceptable behaviour immediately and love and encourage both parties, while also giving appropriate rebuke. This may include giving warnings, exclusion from program elements, reporting to parents, and exclusion from the entire program.
5. Visibility
5.1 All activities are to be open to observation by parents/guardians and those with approved oversight.
5.2 All rooms used for activities will have windows for observation. If windows are not present, the door will be left open.
6. Child to Leader Ratios
Enough leaders are required to safely run the program and respond to any incidents. The following minimum ratios apply:
6. 1 Creche: A minimum of two adult leaders up to a maximum 4 children per adult.
6.2 Kinder/Prep: A minimum of two adult leaders up to a maximum 10 children per adult.
6.3 Grade 1-6: A minimum of two adult leaders up to a maximum 12 children per adult.
6.4 High School: A minimum of two adult leaders up to a maximum 15 children per adult.
6.5 Off-site activities for pre-school children must have a minimum of two adult leaders up to a maximum of 4 children per adult.
6.6 Off-site activities for school age children must have a minimum of two adult leaders up to a maximum of 8 children per adult.
6.7 Camps for school age children must have a minimum of two adult leaders up to a maximum of 10 children per adult.
7. Registration
7.1 Initial registration forms (either paper or electronic) should be completed by a parent/guardian for each child at their first activity for the year. Information required includes:
7.1.1 ame, age, school, year level
7.1.2 Relevant medical information
7.1.3 Allergy information
7.1.4 Emergency contact details
7.1.5 Self-sign in/out permission (for high school age children)
7.1.6 Contact permission
7.1.17 Photography permission
7.1.8 Social Media permission
7.1.9 Any custody arrangements
7.2 Parents are required to update this information if it changes.
7.3 New children who arrive without their parent/guardian will be given a registration form (or an online form link will be sent directly) for their parent/guardian to fill out (within two weeks) and be asked about any relevant food allergies or medical conditions.
7.4 All forms will be kept securely for 50 years and only accessed by authorised persons, in accordance with the privacy and insurance policies of the PCV.
8. Sign in/Sign out
8.1 Sign in/Sign out forms should be used for all activities. Information required includes date/time, child’s name, parent/guardian’s name, and leader names. If an initial registration form has not yet been completed, parent/guardian contact number is also required.
8.2 Parents/guardians are required to sign primary school aged children in and out. High school aged children may sign themselves in and out, unless parents have stated otherwise on the initial registration form.
9. Medical/Allergy information
9.1 Parents/guardians should fill out medical/allergy information on the initial registration form and provide updates as necessary.
9.2 A current list of relevant medical/allergy information must be accessible to each leader for each child under their care each session.
9.3 Leaders must ensure that when food or drink is offered in the program that children do not eat or drink food that they are allergic to.
9.4 Leaders must familiarise themselves with the location of the First Aid kit and coordinators must ensure that the First Aid kit contains everything it should and any medications (such as Ventolin inhalers) are within expiry dates. At least one leader should be qualified in basic First Aid.
9.5 All offsite activities will apply the same First Aid procedures as onsite. A First Aid kit will be taken to offsite activities.
10. Individual Ministry
10.1 Subject to 10.2 and 10.3, leaders should not be alone with children. If a child wishes to talk to a leader privately on a one-off basis at a ministry event, this should be done in or adjacent to a public ministry space where they can be clearly seen by others at all times.
10.2 Any regular one-to-one ministry with a child (such as discipleship, mentoring, Bible reading, or prayer) must be first have parental and Session approval. This ministry should be done in a public space under the observation of another leader or parent/guardian. The parent/guardian must first complete the ‘One-to-one ministry permission form’.
10.3 Leaders will not visit a child in their own home or away from the church unless a parent/guardian is present, or if another leader is present (having first obtained parental/guardian permission).
11. Camp & Overnight Activities
11.1 A Camp permission form must be completed by parents/guardians for each camp.
11.2 Overnight activities will be overseen by a married couple approved by the Session in addition to other approved leaders.
11.3 All accommodation will be strictly segregated into male and female sleeping areas (with the exception of married couples and families).
11.4 Children are required to stay in their allocated accommodation and not move to another space unless permitted by a leader.
11.5 Accommodation supervision will be provided by leaders of the same gender.
12. Social Media and Online Communication
12.1 See Leongatha Presbyterian Church Internet Usage and Electronic Communication Policy.
12.2 Any interactions between leaders and children must be in approved channels and be seen by other leaders or parents. There should be no private messaging or spending private time online between leaders and children. Any private messaging or spending private time online should be reported to Session and/or the Safe Church Unit.
13. Transportation
13.1 Leaders on red probationary licenses will not drive children (other than family members) to, from, or during an activity.
13.2 Leaders will not drive children unaccompanied, unless specific permission has been given by a parent/guardian (see Transport Consent Form)
14. Toileting
Toileting information will be included in the Initial registration form and require parental/guardian consent.Creche/Pre-school: Parents/guardians should toilet or change nappies before sign in. If a child needs toileting or a nappy change, the parents will be called.
14.1 Primary School age at Church: If a child needs to use the toilet during Sunday School or another activity at the church, they may go on their own or in pairs. A leader will first check the toilet and wait nearby if no other adults are in the toilets. If other adults are present in the toilets, the leader will wait in the doorway to the cubicles.
14.2 Primary School age at a private home: If a child needs to use the toilet at a private home, they may go in pairs.
14.3 Primary School age in a public place: children may go to the toilet in pairs. A leader must first check the cubicle prior to use and wait nearby.
14.4 High School at church or a private home: Youth may go to the toilet alone, provided the toilets are in the church building or a private home and the toilets have been checked.
14.4 High School in public: When out in public, youth may go to the toilet in pairs.
14.5 A leader should only provide toilet assistance if requested and comfortable to do so, and only if parents/guardians are not available to help. The leader should report the incident to another leader upon returning to the group.
15. Extra Activities
15.1 Leaders, members and non-members must not create or host a meeting or event as a Leongatha Presbyterian Church event where they will spend time alone with persons under the age of 18.
16. Leaders and Helpers in Children’s and Youth Ministries
16.1 An adult who leads a children’s ministry by regular teaching or coordinating must be a Communicant Member (or first become an Adherent Member with the intention to become a Communicant Member at the next available opportunity), be first approved by Session and have completed the Safe Church Volunteer Approval Process (VAP).
16.2 An adult who helps a children’s ministry in a non-teaching or non-coordinating support role must first be approved by Session, have completed the Safe Church Volunteer Approval Process (VAP), and have been regularly attending Leongatha Presbyterian Church for a minimum of 6 months.
16.3 Leaders & Helpers from other churches. An adult from another church (either another Presbyterian congregation, or another denomination), may be appointed as a leader or a helper, providing:
16.3.1 they are first approved by Session;
16.3.2 they are formally approved for the role by their own Session/leadership, with written confirmation that there are no known concerns or complaints about them, with permission granted to contact their SCU (or equivalent) to enquire about their status and training;
16.3.3 they satisfactorily complete the Safe Church Volunteer Approval Process; and
16.3.4 they undertake any of the normal training required to work with children in the PCV.
17. Junior Leaders/Helpers
17. 1A Junior Leader/Helper is a child under 18 years of age who leads or helps with the children’s ministry. They are not to be included as adults in the ratios for children’s ministry. They are not to take children away from the main group alone, such as to go the toilet.
17.2 Adult leaders/helpers must continue to follow the Safe Church Code of Conduct in regard to their own interactions with junior leaders/helpers. Adult leaders/helpers must make sure they are never alone with a junior leader/helper as they are still a child.
17.3 Junior Helpers (15 years and younger). Must be first approved by Session. They must fill out a Junior Leader Role Description and Contact Details Form.
17.4 Junior Leaders (16-17 years). Must be first approved by Session. They must fill out a Junior Leader Role Description and Contact Details Form including confirmation that they have received and read the Safe Church Policy and Code of Conduct. They must sign the role description to confirm acceptance of the responsibilities of the role and agree to abide by the PCV Safe Church Policy and Code of Conduct. A parent or guardian must also sign this role description.
17.5 Upon turning 18, Junior Leaders must obtain a Working with Children Check (WWCC) and must complete the Safe Church Volunteer Approval Process (VAP) before being allowed to continue in their leadership role.
17.6 Junior Leaders (16-17) are to be encouraged to attend Safe Church Basic Training, but only with the permission of their parent/guardian (an ‘Under 18s Basic Training Attendance Permission Form’ must be completed and returned to the Safe Church Representative prior to attendance).
18. Visiting organisations
Where other organisations are approved by Session to visit to undertake ministry in settings where children may be present, the following is required:
18.1 Working with Children Checks (WWCC). All team members must register their organisation on their WWCC with the Department of Justice.
18.2All team members must complete PCV Safe Church Basic Training (some training from other denominations may be recognised).
18.3 Names, WWCC numbers and expiry dates and the Basic Training attendance sheet (or evidence of other training) must be provided to the Safe Church Unit.
18.4 All team members must agree to abide by the ‘Code of Conduct’ of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria.
19. Inspections & Audit
19.1 The Commission for Children and Young People has enforcement powers to ensure compliance with the Victorian Child Safe Standards. Its officers may inspect premises without notice to assess compliance. If officers from the Commission arrive for inspection or audit:
19.2 Ask the officers for identification to prove they are from the Commission, including their names and position titles. Then call the Commission on 1300 782 978 and verify the officers are from the Commission. If the officers are not from the Commission, refuse entry and contact the Safe Church Facilitator on 0499 090 449.
19.3 If the officers are from the Commission, offer assistance. Explain that you need to call the Safe Church Unit to facilitate that assistance. Call the Safe Church Facilitator immediately on 0499 090 449. If the call goes to voicemail leave a message and send a text advising of the inspection. The Safe Church Facilitator will call you back as a matter of urgency.
19.4 Call your Session Clerk and/or minister and inform them.
20. Reporting and Feedback
20.1 If you have immediate safety concerns about a child or young person, please call 000.
20.2 To report Child Safety Concerns to the Commission for Children and Young People, call 1300 78 29 78.
20.3 If you have any questions about the standards above or are concerned that they may have been breached in some way, please contact an elder or the Safe Church Unit.
20.4 Children/Youth Ministry Elder: Steve Denness – 0425 803 604 or
20.5 Safe Church Unit: urgent abuse related reports, complaints, or concerns – 0499 090 449
20.6 Safe Church compliance related questions (Mon, Thurs, Fri 9am-5pm) – 0435 417 283,
21. Policy Implementation
21.1 This policy is to be distributed to all those in children’s and youth ministry leading and helping roles at Leongatha Presbyterian Church. Leaders and helpers are required to agree to follow this policy.
21.2 This policy will be available via the church website.
22. Policy Review
22.1 This policy is to be reviewed every two years by the Session of Leongatha Presbyterian Church.
22.2 The next review of this policy is due to be conducted in April 2026.
23. Other Resources
23.1 Presbyterian Church of Victoria – Safe Church Unit:
23.2 Commission for Children and Young People:
23.3 Leongatha Presbyterian Church Internet Usage and Electronic Communication Policy